Friday, June 13, 2014

Summer Themes begin...or should I say Reconstructed!

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Welcome summer!! I don't know if I have ever looked so forward to summer, or at least I couldn't remember the last time school seemed to drag out so long. I am so excited to say that we are doing our themes this summer along with many other new things. If you are new to our site, every summer we create themes that we gear our week towards- so we may watch certain movies, read certain books, visit certain sites, or eat certain things or places. Just to see how flexible I can be, we changed our first week theme three times! We reconstructed it to construction week. I had set out a goal to clear out our kids overwhelming spaces that they both seemed to have outgrown. Isaac's room was first, we started with clearing out the room and then wanted to paint the room. This seems easy enough and I like to paint, but we were taking the room from chocolate to a light faint blue. What this looked like was two coats of primer, two coats of paint, and then trim, and then doors. What it really looks like is a week of Isaac getting to play video games, about 10 or so trips to Lowe's, and way too much ice cream and McD's to bribe my child. Overall, I think it turned out really boyish and much brighter and less cave-like. We also reconstructed his shelf space to give him a little writing desk. We were trying to prepare for a new trundle bed we will be getting from Nick's parents house at the end of the month, and another dresser. In addition, we were prepping for a garage sale that ended up happening on short notice but helped clear out some of the clutter. After tackling Isaac's space, we worked on Vivi's. More of that to come! Finally, we took the kids to Legoland to enjoy building more was a blast! I'm glad we waited a little longer to visit until both kids were out of school and we must have hit the jackpot of days because it was rainy outside and not busy inside. What a treat!

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