Monday, June 25, 2012

Sports-Week 5

This past week was a busy one again! I can't believe we are almost through June and I don't know where the time has gone. It's flying!! We had planned some fun times for the kids. Monday and Wednesday afternoons we were headed to my sister's side of town to put the kids in gymnastics classes from 1-6 p.m. There were a few challenges we weren't too sure how they would turn out but it was probably better than expected. Isaac was now fully potty-trained so we signed him up as well and I was sans kids for two afternoons!! My sister's mother-in-law was in town so she kept the little one, and I actually got some time with my sis alone. It was great! Thanks to Donna!! We did shopping and hung out and visited. The kids played at the gym. Tuesday morning I decided to try out an idea I found on pinterest to make the kids a crepe paper obstacle course. They LOVED it!! They even added details like a start and finish line with a jump rope. Isaac grabbed his microphone to mc the event. Vivian grabbed her medals for the winners and the races began! Thursday we last minute invited our friends Lili and Gabbi to a round of putt-putt. That was fun and actually not a 100 degrees yet so bearable. Thanks to Erica the kids were able to play some video games there as well. Over the weekend, I actually went down to Austin to see some childhood friends so dad was solo. He took the kids to the park and to a roller skate party on Saturday and then church and all that fun on Sunday. In between all the fun there were many Wii sports games g oing on. Here's a few pics.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dino Park

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After seeing how many pictures we took, I decided to make a slide show just of the dino park. Too many backdrops for good pictures! Enjoy the slideshow.

Camping & Dino- Week 4

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Second week in was a busy one with swim in the morning and VBS at church in the evenings. We went with the theme of our church's VBS which was camping and added in dinos. It was a lot of fun with some unique experiences. The first morning we stayed close to home watering, chalking, and Isaac woke-up asking to craft. They did some coloring and drawing that turned out productive and made a sundial. The kids got a yummy treat of ice cream that first afternoon and enjoyed sporting their new VBS camping shirts for the first night. They also got their group assignment of animals of white tailed deer and racoons. The second day we went for a scavenger "nature" hunt during a neighborhood walk gathering supplies to be used later. We took a pit stop at a neighbor's play yard and brought back home some pine cones to be used later. After naps we had a good rain so we created pine cone owls that I thought turned out real cute! I took some pictures that night of the kids at VBS. They had such a fun time with the tents at church set up that we decided to pitch our tents at home. The next day we spent reading in our tents and watching "Ice Age Dawn of Dinosaurs" with an snow cone treat in the afternoon. Thursday we headed to the museum with our good friends John Paul, Andrew and Cecilia. All the kids loved the dino skeletons and dino dig outside. Friday was our most unique adventure. Daddy took the day off so we could head to an outdoor state park. God had different plans. I awoke at 5 a.m. to a torrential downpour. I thought we would ruin the day but we decided to head into the storm hoping it would pass quickly. Fortunately, it did and what it left behind 70 degree temperatures and high water. The state park was out but we ventured to a local dino park and got to see life size statues of dinosaurs. The kids really enjoyed it. We then headed to Babe's for an early father's day lunch. Unfortunately, Isaac got a little sick so it wasn't real relaxing but still a memorable day. Saturday we stayed close to home to clean up and prepare for a camp out or should I say grill out with some friends. The Bannerots and Jones' enjoyed some hot dogs, burgers, and smores for the kids and bundt cakes for adults. Thanks Bryan! I set out a little craft for all the kids after dinner and they really got into it- painting rocks. Enjoy our camping adventures!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Jungle-Week 3

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Well we are in full swing of summer. Vivian is out of school and we started up swim classes in the morning, leaving afternoons for jungle fun. We started off the week with some fun new animal shirts and cute new animal bags to carry their swimsuits and spare underwear to the Y. We were able to make it through the grocery store accident free so that was a celebration! We enjoyed lunch on our animal plates and some special books from the library. Over the next few days we did lots of stickers and stencils of animals, we played animal doctor, and watched some fun jungle movies. One other fun thing I wanted to try with Vivian turned out to be interesting. I had Vivian pick an animal of the day and we looked it up in our animal encyclopedia and learned as much as we could at least one new fact. Thank you Avalon for that birthday treat! We learned giraffes have as many bones in their necks as humans just longer. Hippos have hardly any hair on their bodies. Pandas have to eat 16 hours a day to sustain themselves on their diet of bamboo. Blue macaws make difficult pets because of their loud noises and high maintenance personalities. Cheetah's are the fastest animal on earth. Later in the week we had some visitors for some fun and I took the kids to the zoo. That was great until I realized why I don't go on half price day in the summer! That was probably our last visit there until fall. Daddy gave us a treat- a dinner at 3 parrots which the kids loved and mommy did too! Saturday was probably the highlight of the week for the kids. We went to see "Madagascar 3" and all I can say is I loved the "Afro-circus, afro-circus, polka dot, polka dot, afro-circus!" It will get stuck in your head too! Enjoy the pics.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Transportation- Week 2

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We had one more week last week until Vivian was done with school so I tried to keep it more boy oriented. Isaac and I decided to study transportation. Also, Vivian had Memorial Day off so she and daddy got a part in it as well! The week started off with a huge trip over to Sandy Lake Amusement Park. If you've never been I highly recommend it! It's a bit of a truck from where we live but really reminds me of another park I went to as a child and once Nick saw the smiles on all of our faces he was sold on it as well! We then had some lunch and visited with my sister's family for some afternoon swim time. It was a great start to the week of fun! The next few days consisted of some little crafts and lots of Mario Kart time. Wednesday was a fun day. We had Vivian's kinder graduation and the kids were allowed to go home early. I opted to make a day. The kids and I came home and made our own cars with paint and glitter and some stick on's. We then rented "Cars 2" and had a drive in movie in our cars with popcorn and a drink! They turned out really cute and I loved how the kids took this idea and ran with it! The only negative was that mommy got a little sick this week so daddy did have to make soup with wheel noodles for all of us one night. Friday was Isaac's last swim class and Vivian's last day of school. There was a lot to celebrate that day! Isaac and I also performed our annual tradition of making treats for the fireman in an exchange for a tour of the trucks. He was shy but I think secretly really enjoyed it. Then it was off to party with Vivi's last day. Enjoy the slideshow.