Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving family and friends! We hope you and your families had as lovely of a time as we did. We kept it close to home with a newborn which worked out beautifully. Our family was so gracious to ask we only bring ourselves and some rolls. They cooked a wonderful spread and I enjoyed many plates of yummy sweet and carb food! Right before Thanks, Vivi had a special concert at her school and made a cute turkey picture Nana hung at our house. Enjoy a small slideshow of turkey time. Don't you love the hats? Vivi and I made them Thanks morning while we watched the Macy's day parade. Also you'll see some shots of us with horses. My dad has always had a love of horses and has a friend he goes and rides with. His friend allowed us to come out and see the horses and take the girls for a short ride. What a treat!

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