Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Week #4- Garden

After all of the craziness of last week, we are in survival mode. I am still attempting to do our themes but life is overtaking us a little. In my best attempts to make summer "fun" for my kids and me too, I'm trying to stay focused on these themes, but it's not without struggle.
Last week, we stayed close to home. I got the kids some bug bubble wands which they played with a ton! We watched our "Tink" movies and "Bug's Life" a few times. We read bug books and enjoyed playing in our garden in the sprinklers quite a bit. We did have visitors one day Ellen & Aaron who colored little window butterflies. We also got out to see some friends Clara & Beckett and made some little fairies over there. Friday we headed to my sister's to try and help her out a little. We enjoyed a bug game called "Cooties" and some crafting over there as well.
My biggest attempt was to try and make a project with Vivi or rather finish a project. Nana had made her a fairy garden for her last birthday and we were missing two of the fairies houses so Vivi and I would try to sneak in ANY time to paint and add elements to Fawn's and Iredessa's houses. Sunday we finally finished our garden. We had a little time to play out there before the summer rains came back.

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