Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Halloween- belated!

Hello friends! Yes, we are still alive and active. We've had A LOT going on in our household, hence the very late postings on Halloween and others. Here are a few shots of trick or treating with friends. We had a busy Halloween this year. We attended a trunk or treat with my sister and family at her church Friday night then slumber partied. Vivi now asks for slumber parties every time we see our cousin. Saturday we came home and ventured over to our church's trunk or treat for a short visit. Saturday night we headed trick or treating down my parents street with one of their neighbor's- the Jones! Vivi cracked me up, announcing at each house what each child was dressed as and what their real names were and for a bonus what mommy and daddy had dressed up as the night before at trunk or treat. She really came out of her shell. In fact, most of the walk she was dragging Kaylee along. For some of you with impeccable memories, Isaac's costume was recycled. Vivi wore the fishy for her 1st Halloween. We decided we'd revisit it, and since our family loves themes- Vivi was Aeriel, mommy was Sebastian, daddy was the Chef, and Isaac was Flounder. We ended our great night with more friends at the Jones enjoying Charlie Brown's special and true popcorn and pizza (since candy wasn't enough!).

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