Monday, May 21, 2012

Field Day

Okay, let me just say a disclaimer for all those without kids in school yet, field day is not what you remember! I remember just running around a hot open field. Our field day involved bounce houses, snow cones, moving in and outside between stations, and lots of water activity. The kids had a blast and I think mommy may have lost a few pounds trying to keep up. Here's a couple of shots of Vivian and oh yes, Isaac too in the mix. You know what this means, the end of the school year is quickly approaching and if you've been following my blog for any length of time you know this is when I kick it in to gear! We will be starting our themes this week, so check back in if you want hopefully weekly updates. I won't tell you the first theme...but I'll give you a hint. Aaargh, you ready?

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