Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week 14- Mr. Fix It

Okay, it was the last week of summer and I really had the best intentions of getting all organized. I did accomplish some major feats but overall not nearly what I set out to do. On Monday, we rearranged Vivian's room and that was a biggie and took all day. I think it turned out really cute, but I realized I didn't take any before shots for dramatization. Still, I took some of it completed and it looks great! We also painted a trunk we bought from a friend at a garage sale. It is housing many of Vivi's stuffed animals but also...a new friend. So as mentioned on the previous entry, Nick had the kids for a weekend while I was away with friends. During that time, Vivian attended a sweet birthday party and discovered these friends had many pets. One of which, they were fostering and trying to find a home for. If you know Vivi, you know she is 100% obsessed with pets. We told her for her next birthday we may look into getting her a guinea pig (still not ready for the dog yet). Well, what did they happen to be fostering but a guinea pig named Beaver. So...Nick talked with the dad Jeff and got some more information. Low and behold, we are now fostering Beaver for one week to see how it all goes. Chances are looking good that he is joining our family permanently. She is pretty pumped and being such a responsible owner already. There are a few pictures of these things and little house projects as well. More to come on my dream projects I'll be working on not in summer! <

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