Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week #6- School

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Well friends we are 6 weeks in and ready for July slow down! I've been so grateful to have VBS and other camp experiences but I'm ready to be home and with friends just "playing" at home. This past week we spent at Mckinney's VBS and for the first time in 5 years I did not work it! I had a week to myself which I had a tinge of guilt on but I prayed and asked God to bless that time of rest and help me be better for my kids with it. I spent most of it planning for a baby shower for a co-worker but also I was able to get some needed rest and time with friends myself. Thank you to mom, Nick, and Kat for taking time with me. Unfortunately, I caught a little head cold and it knocked me out 2 of the days. I didn't quite get to all that I wanted but the kids had a blast. Our cousin got to come visit for part of the time and seemed to have a good time as well. The kids really retained some info from VBS too. I was so grateful for this. We did also visit a vet clinic which Vivi's completely obsessed with becoming one day, so I have been talking to her more and more and trying to get her some experiences and motivation for school. Here are our pics.

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