Monday, July 29, 2013

Week #10-Under the Sea

This past week we celebrated under the sea. We really did a lot of under the sea, or at least, under the water, activity but because of this I didn't get lots of pictures from this week. Still, we are grateful to all who allowed us to make use of their pools as well as sweet friends that watched the kids this week to help us out with appointments and a mini-vacation for Nick and I. I think the kids were in water every single day this week except one. Pretty impressive considering we don't own a pool ourselves! Thank you to the Bruck's, Christina, the Mason's, Em & Tad, and my parents! The kids made great memories swimming and practicing their pool skills as well as having a sleepover with my sister and getting to see "Turbo" with my parents! Nick and I headed to Houston for a college buddies' wedding and got to make a stop at A&M on the way down. We weren't there long but long enough to see all the new buildings, get lost, and jump out to take a couple of pics. We decided this was an early celebration for our anniversary as we will be on the road back from Nick's sister's wedding on our actual anniversary. (For some reason, 18 hours in a car with two kids didn't sound too romantic.) It was really fun reliving some of our memories.

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