Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween Clowns

This year for Halloween we decided to all be clowns. We usually do a family themed costume for my sister's bash and I fell in love with this costume for Vivi. I figured in my condition, I would make a believable clown. Everyone kept looking at my belly wondering if it was part of the costume or if I was really pregnant. I guess that's a compliment. Vivi also got into it not wanting to take her costume off and wanting full make-up like mommy as you'll see. Nick got props for "really" dressing it up this year. He also got many thanks from his wife for taking Vivi to trunk or treat at our church the next night. They must have had a pretty good time because they rocked out for almost two hours!


Tuten Family addition... said...

wow, major kudos to nick for his outfit. ben really gets into the silly, fun things i make him do but i don't think i could have paid him to be a clown. you all look really cute! great memories for the family

Janna the Great said...

the moment i saw clown, i thought PARTY PANTS! and sure enough, there they are. Kudos to my big bro.