Friday, October 14, 2011

A Rant about Time

As most of you know we have many changes yet again this year, Vivi starting big girl school and Isaac starting preschool. This also means 2 days a week I have all kids in school!! You ask, what are you doing with all of this spare time? Napping? Working out? Getting some major organizing/crafting/cooking accomplished? NO! The time just flies! First of all, I'm trying to work one of the days. The other I'm trying to be involved in a Bible study. Between that I am up at Vivi's school at least one of those days if not both for a short time. It always shocks me the endless amounts of "opportunities" we have to be "involved", yet my inability to feel like I'm really accomplishing anything. I'm sure if you are in my season of life this makes sense, otherwise I probably sound like a crazy person! But I'm telling you, if any of you are not here yet, let this be your honest friend telling you how quickly time flies. This is in general, as in I can't believe I already have one child in big girl school 5 days all day! Also, I thought once they are in school I would have lots and lots of time to do all the things listed above and more. I do have time but I also have more expectations for involvement some of which I admit I put on myself. All that to say, we all have the same amount of time to get xyz done and it's amazing that no matter how well I organize/plan my day it never turns out how you think. I do believe there is a lesson from God in this. I'm sure He is calling me to more dependence again. Some days I'm better than others at this. But I write all of this for therapy for me, but also to say to anyone who takes the time to read this, to really try your best to appreciate your season whatever it is. God has a gift for this day, and I'm really trying much more to find those little moments to STOP and thank Him. I'm afraid if I don't now I'll have lived my whole life running, running, running and really what will it show for.

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