Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pirates & Potties-Theme Week 1

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So our theme for last week, really revolved around the two P's- pirates and potties! Vivian is still in school but little guy is home and we decided to devote the entire week to staying at home and really trying to work on potty training. It was a rough start but really I think we are nearly there. He is in big boy undies and has had no accidents the last two days and only one today. I knew I would be going crazy being at home so I decided we could start our themes for the summer up to keep mommy distracted from being house bound. It kind of worked! Again, we did have one outing. Isaac started swim classes so we went to the gym in the mornings and did have to pick sissy up from school. This helped! Swim was a little tough for the big guy but I think he had an excellent time with our theme. A couple of the highlights I'll mention- #1 Buried treasure in ice, Isaac with a hammer, you get the picture? #2 Treasure maps, Vivian's creativity for naming things and there love for hide and seek #3 A new pool, really the kiddy $15 one at Walmart and a couple of old pirates #4 Pirate tatoos and some non-washable markers Isaac got a hold of- still trying to get them off!!

1 comment:

Mari said...

how fun! love the palm trees!