Friday, January 2, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! We had a lot to celebrate in Christmas 2008 and a lot of family to celebrate with. I will have many memories from this year including watching Vivi and Chloe play tea party in their princess dresses, watching Chloe sit in Vivi's babydoll's haircut chair, seeing Papa curled up with Isaac on the sofa, having Vivi finally pass out on the floor with exhaustion, sharing a 5 minute race of how many gifts can Vivi open at home, anxiously awaiting the doctor's diagnosis for both sick children and enduring shots and an arsenal of meds, trucking it to San Antonio to see Nick's family, hearing Aunt Janna read "Do Princess Really Have Scraped Knees" to Vivi & Isaac while holding both, being grateful for Uncle Joel's holding Isaac until 2 in the morning, comparing notes with Garyn & Zack on their new baby experiences with Campbell, and finally making it back home to try and get healthy again. Wow! Merry Christmas and we hope your Christmas was filled with laughter, health, and as many special memories (but maybe not the chaos)!

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