Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to School

Well, it's official everyone is back in school now! Isaac started back yesterday and did beautifully despite his persistent statement of desire to return to Ms. Shelbi's class with the 2 year olds. Then I told him he is almost four and he found a new friend to our preschool in the 4 year old class and now he's ready to skip up to that one! It's so amazing how you see your worst and best in your kids sometimes. If we could just learn to be content with what we have, but clearly I haven't mastered that yet myself. Once he got into his classroom, he saw familiar faces and jumped right back in. I had a nice quiet day to myself but it was amazing to see how fast the time flew by! I think this little break though makes me appreciate what I have with Isaac-lots of sweet and innocent fun times blowing up army men, kicking soccer balls, and hammering nails (golf tees) into our block (styrofoam covered in foil). He is so animated and active and just my sweet little boy that cries like mad to have to wear this red polo then turns around and gives me the sweetest "I love you" and snuggle. Soak it in Jen! (Scroll down for a little picture of our giveaway that Vivian and I made for her classmates.)

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