Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday!

Well, as I pass the 34 big day, I have so much to be grateful for. I was spoiled rotten by the love of my life and on the cusp of a yucky argument over miscommunication. It always baffles me that this is still a struggle, it's like I think we'll grow out of miscommunicating! It's hilarious! It will always be work, but it's so worth it! After all of that, I was met with a sweet smile and a yummy breakfast cereal. I have to admit that Nick has the ability to still surprise me. As my half closed/half awake eyes drug a spoon out of the cabinet, I flipped around to see a wrapped box balanced on my cereal bowl. He took the kids the previous weekend and got me some hot pink new athletic shoes- a request of mine but these were so perfect- fun and light! A kiss goodbye later, and I loaded the kids into the car to take Vivi to school. I was met with a sweet note and cd Nick had made for me called Thinking. Each song was hand-picked for different ways he's thinking about me or our relationship. Of course, no dry eyes anymore! The music kept me company all day long and reminded me how Nick is still so thoughtful even after 11 years of putting up with my craziness! The day was quiet but beautiful to the light breeze and the soft pink blooms covering our crepe merdel out front. I headed to the gym with Isaac and completed a very difficult spin class, probably my last for awhile. (More to come on that later.) Then my parents came over-my dad to be with Isaac and my mom to take me to lunch. We shared stories of trips and sweet memories over a yummy chicken salad and small dessert. The afternoon gave way to naps and relaxation. Then we picked Vivi up from her third day of school and enjoyed each other's company. We worked on gifts for her class and they gave me some precious moments to get ready for a date. I picked out a sweet new dress given by my sister and dabbed on some perfume and fresh mascara. Nick showed up ready to go. He took me for a lovely steak dinner with quiet and dark atmosphere. It was so pleasant. It was slow and smooth like the wine we tasted with dinner. Again, I glanced down and magically appeared a new copy of Hunger Games. We ended the night with a new flavor from Nothing Bundt Cakes= blueberries and an intriguing film. It was truly a beautiful day. Thanks to all who made it so special.

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