Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's-sorta!

Happy Valentine's friends and family! It seems the holidays are becoming synonmous with sickness in our house. This Valentine's we got the fun stomach bug- we being Vivi and mommy. Wednesday night it hit us like a mack truck and we probably went through 9 loads of laundry that one day! WOW! Fortunately, it was short-lived so we were able to celebrate a little. Isaac and daddy also did not get it-so that's a HUGE praise. Thursday Nick stayed home half day to take care of us. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Friday, I dressed up Isaac in his little onesie as I nursed Vivi back to health. By Saturday, everyone was healthy. Nana came to sit the kids so Nick and I could sneak away for a short daytime date. She brought some sweet books and a My Little Pony for Vivi. We ventured to the Modern to enjoy some lunch and a quick tour through the gallery. It was a nice time. When we returned we let the kids open some small tokens from us-a V-day book for each of them and a pair of heart shoes for Vivi. We ended the night with leftovers and a great renter- "Fireproof". If you haven't seen this one, you can borrow it as my parents got us a copy. I would HIGHLY recommend it for any married couple. It's excellent and provides lots of good conversation.

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